通知贷款不包括在上述等式中. Loans are only a tool to help pay what you owe, not to reduce your tuition or total cost.
*Based on in-district tuition for 2022-23 academic year, 32 hours or 16 credit hours per semester. 费用根据实验室、班级和项目而有所不同. Average grants and scholarships for first time, full-time students 2021-2022 academic year. (学院Z数据基于地区四年制学校的实际数据)
John Wood offers the best opportunity for students to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree with minimal debt. 助学金、奖学金和付款计划可以帮助支付学费
Pell Grant | (最大6895美元) |
补充教育机会补助金 | ($63 to $500) |
Work Study | (每小时最低工资) |
Illinois MAP Grant (varies based on cost of institution and financial need; maximum at JWCC is $2100)
All these sources require just one application and are based on student/family tax information –
需要帮助提交FAFSA? 与JWCC的财政援助部门预约,他们将免费帮助你.
除了FAFSA, 学生可以申请奖学金, 支付学费和/或教育费用的付款计划和贷款. 继续滚动以了解有关这些选项的更多信息.
A variety of institutional scholarships are available to prospective and returning students. 申请奖学金时, 你必须在10月1日之后尽快提交下一年的FAFSA.
New this year- complete one application to apply for 总统 and 开拓者奖学金. 这些都是JWCC优秀学生领袖奖学金的最高荣誉.
Applicants will be invited to campus on February 24 for Scholarship Day to complete interviews for both scholarships. (alternate interview date available Feb 22) Scholarship students are college ambassadors, 参与学生会活动, 各种JWCC活动, 也是校园里的学生领袖. 申请截止日期已延长至2月12日.
For students in 9 specific counties in Missouri to pursue specific in-demand career and technical programs to fill JWCC district and regional employer needs. 每学时110美元的奖学金基于区外学费.
Most 基金会提供的一般及计划奖学金 在春季颁发,并在下一学年使用. 申请将于12月在基金会办公室接受.
The TechUP奖学金 is for potential students ages 19 years or older who have not attended JWCC in the past 3 years.
学生必须是具有较强学术能力的成年学生, 经济需要或特殊情况. (由招生办公室颁发)
在JWCC Ag中心注册课程的学生. 颁发秋季和春季奖学金. 秋季申请截止日期为9月,春季申请截止日期为3月.
学生必须参与声乐或器乐. The student must audition with the Music Department and participation in the Music program is required. 所有的获奖者都是由音乐学院决定的. (获得通过 the Music Department; 217.641.4999).
学生必须完成视觉艺术系的工作要求. 学生必须通过作品集审查. 所有获奖者都由视觉艺术学院决定. (获得通过 the Visual Arts Department; 217.641.4997).
这些奖项由各自项目的体育教练颁发. 希望参加JWCC的校际田径运动. (获得通过 the Athletic Department; 217.641.4976)
居住在JWCC区外的人士, but work 35+ hours in the JWCC district qualify for in-district tuition rate- saving $110/credit hour. 学生和雇主必须共同填写 地区内工作豁免表格 and return it to beat365平台; the completed PDF may also be sent to deanofstudents@littlecreekpottery.net.
Below are institutional scholarships available to prospective and returning students who plan on starting in the Spring semester. 申请奖学金时, 你必须在10月1日之后尽快提交下一年的FAFSA.
WIRC-CAA奖学金 -西伊利诺伊地区委员会-汉考克居民社区行动机构, Henderson, 麦克多诺和沃伦县. 提供传统和非传统奖学金. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 wirpc.org 或致电309.837.2997.
伊利诺斯州公共卫生部门——农村卫生中心 – The Center for Rural Health administers a number of scholarship programs for students in the health professions. All programs require scholarship recipients to practice in an underserved area upon completion of their training. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 伊利诺伊州公共卫生部.
陆军妇女基金会遗产奖学金项目 – The Legacy Scholarship program offers financial support to all Army women who are serving, 或者光荣地服务过, 还有他们的孩子. 奖学金是以成绩为基础的, 学术潜力, 社区服务, 推荐信, and need. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 陆军妇女基金会遗产奖学金项目.
机会之门奖学金计划 – Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) administer the scholarship program to assist student in pursuing gateway credentials. INCCRRA is committed to promoting higher education for early care and education professionals. 如需更多资料,请浏览 http://www.ilgateways.com/financial-opportunities/scholarship 或致电309-834-1232与INCCRRA联系.
美国焊接学会奖学金 – The American Welding Society offers scholarship and grant opportunities for those entering or already enrolled in welding programs. These scholarships are not specific to tuition; they also include books, supplies and equipment. 更多信息,请访问 美国焊接协会奖学金页面.
儿童早期获得公平奖学金计划 – If you work or have worked in early childhood education and you’re seeking additional credentials and/or a degree in early childhood education, you may be eligible for the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program. The program was created to address the shortage of qualified early childhood educators by encouraging the pursuit of credentials and advancement of already-held degrees in early childhood education, 目标是建立一个强大的, 准备充分的劳动力. 请查看奖学金计划细节以供考虑. 如需更多资料,请浏览 http://www.isac.org/students/during-college/types-of-financial-aid/scholarships/ecace.html.
伊利诺伊州退休教师协会基金会 -伊利诺伊州退休教师协会基金会提供6美元,500个奖学金给有抱负的大学三年级或四年级的教育工作者. The 2022 information and application for the 伊利诺伊州退休教师协会基金会 Scholarship can be accessed from our website at www.irtaonline.org,在顶部工具栏的“基金会”选项卡下,点击“奖学金”.
Huber工业维修奖学金申请 – J.M. Huber Corporation is offering a scholarship for Industrial Maintenance students at any stage of their schooling. The company has established a scholarship fund to tackle the shortage of skilled workers in the field of industrial maintenance. 奖学金可用于各种教育费用, 包括项目所需的书籍和用品. 您可以在这里访问该应用程序.
转到四年制大学的学生可以获得各种奖学金. 一些例子包括:
If you have questions about other four-year institutions and their transfer scholarship opportunities, 请联络谘询中心 & 留置办公室217.641.4355 or advising@littlecreekpottery.net.
如果助学金和奖学金不包括学费和教育费用, 学生可以使用JWCC付款计划偿还剩余金额. 这允许学生在一个学期内分摊剩余的欠款.
*有关付款计划的详细信息,请与商务办公室联系. 可用性可能有所不同.
贷款可以在所有其他财政援助赠款之后使用, 已经探索了奖学金和付款计划的选择. 贷款将随着时间的推移连本带利地偿还. 联邦贷款有两种类型:
Students do not have to make payments on loans while in school and interest does not accrue while they are in school. 在学生不再注册六个月后开始偿还.
Students do not have to make payments on loans while in school and interest DOES accrue while they are in school. 在学生不再注册六个月后开始偿还.
The combined amount that dependent students may borrow from both subsidized and unsubsidized loan programs is $5,500 /年(2美元,750美元/学期),新生(0-27小时)和6美元,500 /年(3美元,250/学期)二年级(28小时以上). These amounts may vary based on the amounts of other financial aid and the amount of credit hours the student is taking.
PLUS loans are available to parents of dependent students who are enrolled at least half-time. 如果父母的信用检查被批准, the PLUS loan amount may go up to the student’s cost of attendance minus all other financial aid. 如果信用检查被拒绝, the student will then have the option to receive an additional unsubsidized loan (up to $2000/semester or $4000/year).
Most active duty military members will receive Tuition Assistance to cover 100% of tuition costs at JWCC. 每个分支机构都有年度援助上限.
Reservists are also eligible for Tuition Assistance and individuals should contact their Education Services Officer for details.
JWCC has a Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel 学生服务 to assist active duty military personnel and veterans. 请参阅 军校学生网页 有关福利和援助的更多信息.